Magento eCommerce Development: Recent News and Trends

Magento is the eCommerce platform known for its flexibility, user-friendly interface and the development of the perfect online store to boost the sales of merchants and create a unique shopping experience for shoppers. It is important to note that Magento Development Services have evolved over time as there are new trends and applications infused to the platform in order to aid trade, boost the profit of merchants and create a convenient shopping environment for customers.

Initially, the first version of the Magento application, Magento 1 was available but in 2015 Magento 2 was released, which had significantly more features than it’s predecessor. There has been an upgrade in April 2018 to Magento 2.3 which presents a better and improved version of the application to aid smooth trade transaction. Added to the already established features of Magento 2, Magento 2.3 comes with fascinating inventions creatively developed as well as several other integrations with other marketing sites. These features include the integration of PHP 7.2, Bulk Web API and Asynchronous API, Page Builder, MSI (Multi-Source Inventory), Google Re-captcha & 2-step Authentication, Updated Elasticsearch, GraphQL Integration, PWA (Progressive Web App), improved version of WYSIWYG, Declarative DB Schema, and Cache Management-ACL.

The integration of PHP 7.2 introduces enhanced security and improved performance to the Magento 2.3 making the application more secure and in perfect working condition to achieve the purpose for which it was created. While the Bulk Web API and Asynchronous API assist in performing API functions regardless of the state of the network server. Asynchronous API synchronizes the activities of the Web API as it runs background instructions. Hence, data processing becomes faster and smooth regardless of the network conditions. In a bid to further enhance the activities of the newer version, WYSIWYG has been upgraded and improved from model 3 to model 4 resulting in a customized WYSIWYG.

Focusing on customized features, the newly introduced Page Builder is a feature for creating customized pages without the hassle of code writing. The Cache Management has also been included to assist in the management of Magento caches such as deleting or viewing the caches. Multi-Source Inventory gives a merchant an edge in managing inventory sources without the interference of a 3rd party. Hence, with this, the merchant has a sense of control over inventories and sales. Integration from Google is evident in the Google Re-captcha & 2-step Authentication which secures the user’s login details, registration, and contacts in order to prevent intrusion and unauthorized access. The 2-step verification also ensures that the user is human and not a robot.

The Elasticsearch has also been upgraded to enable merchants to search limitlessly through a wide range of products in the online store without restrictions. So long as integration is concerned, GraphQL APIL language is a Facebook created data query language integrated into Magento to aid speedy extraction of chunks of data. The PWA studio has also helped Magento Development Services to create a set of instructions which help to create, install and establish PWA in the most recent version, Magento 2.3. Having done all the integrations, an entirely new application known as Declarative DB Schema has been introduced. This application sees to the easy transformation of XML files to SQL format.

Thus, so far, Magento Ecommerce, in order to remain on top of the marketing game and stand up to the challenging market situation, has evolved in the creation of new features and has undergone through several improvements to the already created applications on the platform, all of which are directed towards the flexibility of the platform as well as creating a smooth merchant-consumer relationship where every participant in the trade leaves satisfied.